Exactly right! What we are talking about is telos, a defined modality of existing as a moving and acting nexus of relations.

I haven’t gotten things down to one word yet (I’m a bit slow, I suppose…I started the Work in 1996), but I’ve got it down to three phrases. I’m working on it diligently, though.

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A bit of hyperbole, maybe. I tend to think—though I have no definitive proof of this other than a gut feeling and my own experience along with some anecdotal experiences of others—that Crowley thought this "One Word True Will" idea was along the lines of one's personal Magus utterance, that we would have this experience of uttering our own WORD and that would be that. (I should clarify that I don't think it makes one a Magus, just that it would be the personal equivalent of such an act.)

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Yeah, that’s what I think, too.

I am no magus, but if I am called to such a lofty trap, I actually have an inkling what the word will be. I have had the word since I was a 0=0 back in 1996. It just came to me while meditating and flailing about with Tarot correspondences one day in the shack I was living in at the time in the Bonny Doon Mountains. It’s all over my work on philosophy of magick, but no one has called me out on it yet, so I think I’m doing a good job.

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Absolutely. I think this word, this personal word, is that underlying motion that pushes everything we do. It's the core motion of all that motivates us. I can see it in every job I do, every major project I take on, every activity that makes me happy, every activity that keeps me sane. And when I'm not doing something that is in that flow, I'm miserable. Granted, that doesn't mean everything is easy. Admitting that sometimes life just sucks is part of reality. Sometimes, part of the river is the rapids, and that's just life, even when it's good.

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Looking forward to both titles!

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